The Enemy is now created and can damage the Player and be destroyed by lasers, but currently only the enemy that is already in the scene exists in the game. To get the enemy to generate itself and move into the scene it needs to be spawned or created. This can be accomplished with a spawn manager that will create and keep track of the enemies.
In the Hierarchy right click and select Create Empty. This will create an empty gameobject in the scene, rename it to Spawn_Manager. This is done because Unity needs an object to attach the script to and so that it can be referenced. An empty gameobject does not draw anything on the screen, it just exists and gives the accessibility to the script that is desired.
Next create a new C# script named SpawnManager and attach it to to Spawn_Manager gameobject.
The idea in the spawn manager is to spawn a new enemy every few seconds. Trying to do this in the update method is possible but it gets more and more difficult as things progress. So the idea here is to use a Coroutine
where you can set the spawn time and forget it. It will take care of everything needed for you. Now to get the Coroutine to work like this it needs to be setup properly.
In Unity this is done with the IEnumerator
method setup like so for the Spawn Manager:
I created a variable to generate a specific number of enemies
Inside the IEnumerator
method lets create a while loop to run as long as the _numberOfEnemies
is greater than 0
Inside the while loop is where the Enemy will be instantiated, and the _numberOfEnemies
value will be decremented. As was done in the Enemy script a random position will be generated to spawn the Enemy, after that the Enemy script will handle the random starting location after the Enemy has left the bottom of the screen. The same values used in the Enemy Script can be used here. Remember this is done in a Vector3
Now for my case because I rotated the cube 45 degrees my Instantiate
call is different as I needed to adjust the Quaternion
to accommodate my rotation along the z-axis. Using the default Quaternion.identity
would cause the cube to move diagonally like this:
To fix this and have the Enemy cubes fly straight I adjusted the Quaternion
by using the AngleAxis
and passing in the rotation of 45 degrees along the Vector3.forward
which is the x-axis. So I used this for my Instantiate call:
This has the Enemies flying the way they were meant to be
Next within the IEnumerator
method I decrement the _numberOfEnemies
so that only the total number of enemies wanted are spawned.
Finally in the IEnumerator
and what brings this Coroutine together is the yield return
in this call we can set the Coroutine to wait a number of seconds before running again. This is done as follows:
This calls the WaitForSeconds method and waits 3 seconds before going through the while loop again, spawning the next Enemy.
The only thing left to do now is to start the Coroutine.
This is done in the Start method near the top of the script. To accomplish this the StartCoroutine
method is called and the name of the IEnumerator
method is passed into it, like so
That is the basics of a spawn manager and how to implement Coroutines in Unity.
In Creating a Spawn Manager Part 1 we will look at organizing the hierarchy with all the gameobject that are spawned, ensuring we keep a clean and uncluttered workspace.